Bespoke kitchens
Your kitchen should be the focal point of your home. It should be an entertaining space as much as it’s the hub of your daily routine.
No one understands the importance of your kitchen more than Seabreeze. We’ve been market leaders in kitchen design for over 30 years.
We have manufactured and installed more than 6,000 kitchens and based on our passion for excellence, inspirational design, superb craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail, we have a repeat and referral business rate of over 75 per cent.
“We design kitchens to create truly beautiful rooms that make for wonderful family living. Thoughtful design costs no more – yet it creates something very special”
Inspiration at your fingertips
For those with a dream kitchen in mind, our designers – each with decades of industry experience – will work with you to ensure that idea comes to fruition.
For those starting from a blank canvas, we invite you to visit our showroom, where our 10 display kitchens will inspire and inform you.
From start to finish
Our designers can assist you through the concept stage and advise you on a design that will be in harmony with your home. They have worked with spaces of all shapes and sizes, and have a keen eye for detail.
Seabreeze is also fully licensed to manage all the tradespeople involved in the installation process. This provides us with total control over a project from start to finish, ensuring an efficient workflow and allowing us to safeguard against complications.
How can we help
Get in touch with us to talk about your new kitchen, bathroom or custom joinery.